Saturday 4 June 2016

Blob Thing Goes Shape Note Singing From the Sacred Harp

Not all posts will be an up to date diary of Blob Thing's adventures.  But for today ...

Today Blob Thing went to the Newcastle All Day Sacred Harp Singing.  He's never been to a singing before and didn't know quite what to expect but he wanted to be able to join in and sing the songs.

He looked through the book on the Metro on the way to the singing and was a bit confused by the music.  He's not to used to the notes being written as shapes.

He did his best at the singing and people appreciated him.  He sat on my lap all the way through each singing session and did his best.  But he doesn't know the songs and isn't good at sight singing music.  And he didn't quite get why we sang funny syllables for the tunes before starting on the words.

He did have a good time though and enjoyed singing as much as he can and listening to the rest.  His absolute favourite harmony moment was while singing Cobb (313b).   Those clashes in the last notes brought joy to an already joyful Blob Thing.  Have a listen if you dare.  But know that Shape Note is for singing not listening and that one is a far more enjoyable experience than the other.  He also found it quite amusing that some of the songs are named after countries.

If you want to know more about Shape Note singing - and Blob Thing does - the main UK site is here.  Go for it!  No experience is needed.  You don't have to be a wonderful singer.  You won't be charged for anything at all unless you enjoy it and want to buy a book, which isn't that expensive for a nearly 600 page large, well bound hardback.  And wherever you sing, the singers are friendly.

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