Monday 20 June 2016

Blob Thing Visits Geek Retreat With His Person

Blob Thing has already told you much about Geek Retreat.  He wanted to share a few more photos of the place, including one very special photo, showing you something he hasn't shown you before.  It's something he is very, very proud of.  So here is Blob Thing, sitting on the table at the start of his visit before his person shutdown for a while and he went off to explore on his own.

Posing when he got back.

He recommends Geek Retreat, especially for geeks.

And here is the special photo.  Here is what he is so proud of: His person.  This picture was taken of Blob and his person at the end of their visit to Geek Retreat.  He is happy when there are photos of the two of them together.  He's so proud of her.  She has come a long way in the last few years and because of her brain it is a challenge for her every single day.

Blob especially wants to share that photo because his person shared a different version of it on Facebook while she was still in the cafe.  Here it is:

A shocking sight!

But why? Why did she post that?

Well, she is transgender and some people notice this and some people are worried by it in different ways.  She gets stared at.  A lot.  People don't know how to react to his person.  That morning, shortly before arriving at Geek Retreat she had been walking through the market.  A woman saw her.  Stopped and stared.  Looked her up and down.  And said in a loud, angry voice, "Shocking!"

So there.  Blob's person is a shocking sight.  At least to some people.

Fortunately his person wasn't feeling bad about herself.  She was getting pretty overwhelmed by the city centre.  But she felt good about herself.  So she wasn't going to be affected in any bad way by that woman.  She was quite amused by it and felt sorry for the woman who had been so shocked.

Blob's person shared that photo with the following text:

People are easily shocked!

A woman was just passing me in the market. She stopped. Stared at me. And in a stern, almost angry voice, said "Shocking!"

I suspect that, considered objectively, there may be more shocking things happening in the world than Clare daring to confidently exist.

I hope and pray that the woman will recover from her shock and won't need medical assistance for it.

Personally I think I look marvellous. I look like me. And that is a wonderful revelation.

Blob is very proud of his person.  He loves her a lot.  He loves the way she confidently exists and how she keeps on fighting.  Blob likes to confidently exist too.  People may say he's just a small pink blob but he knows he is so much more inside.  He is himself.  And that's pretty marvellous, just like his person.

Blob thinks everyone should confidently exist.  People should dare to be who they are - as long as they're not harming others, as long as they are growing in love.

Blob and his person like reading what some people post on Facebook.  One of those people is a man named Jim Palmer.  He writes on spiritual matters and on the path away from religion into freedom, the way to live as who you are rather than living by someone else's expectations of how you should live.  This morning, a few hours before writing this post, Blob and his person read a post from Jim Palmer.  It's here, under this link.  If they were clever enough at technical things they would embed the link so you wouldn't have to click on it.  Blob's person has been through a lot to get to where she is now and she knows she has quite a long way to go.  In one part of that writing Jim Palmer writes:

Have compassion on yourself. Choosing to live a self-directed and conscious life isn't always rainbows and ponies. Expect resistance. Change isn't easy. It often disrupts and destabilizes our identity, relationships and the life we once knew. You will get through this. It's not going to happen all at once. There may be lonely and dark days as you go. You are not alone. There are countless people on a similar path, waking up and choosing a new course for their lives. You will find the assistance and direction you need within yourself and from what unfolds and comes to you as you walk your path.

Blob's person is going to do that.  And so is Blob.  He will walk his path.  It's easier for Blob though.  He's been walking his path and living his life ever since he was created.  Blob will enjoy watching the changes ahead in his person's life as she lives her own life, her self-directed, conscious life more and more.

Blob encourages each one of you to follow his example.  His person's example.  Jim's example.  Or the example of anyone who walks such a path.  Follow them until you find you aren't following them at all but following yourself, the Christ wisdom that is already within you.  Blob wishes you well as you walk into that freedom and that overflowing love and life.

Blob confesses that today he only wanted to share a few photos.  He wasn't going to share anything about being shocking or about pride or freedom.  But then he felt he had to.  And he has one last piece of advice for you:

Dare to live in such freedom that people will find you shocking.

[830 words plus quotation]

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