Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Blob Thing Battles With A Cruel Giant And Frees All The Soft Toys

It's August.  Blob Thing is looking forward to August.

He thinks that a lot of special things might happen this month.  And now he's got a sister to share some of those things with.  In two weeks time they will be leaving Newcastle to go to Autscape, a conference or gathering or event for autistic adults.  Blob and Winefride aren't adults but they know that there will be some children there too and it will be fine.  They're looking forward to it a lot.  And then at the end of the month they're going to Greenbelt which is a Christian festival but with lots of things that many Christians wouldn't recognise as having anything to do with their version of the true God.  They're looking forward to that but they're also a bit confused.  Blob's person went to church for twenty-five years and it's only now she's quit that part of her life (Hooray!) that she's going to a Christian festival for the first time.  Blob thinks that's a bit weird.

Today Blob Thing had been planning to tell you about an adventure he had with Winefride.  But she got up this morning and wasn't her usual self.  He is a bit worried about her and wants to look after her.  She doesn't want him to hold her though and seems happier looking at the dust in the air on her own and sorting beads.  Blob hopes she feels better soon although he supposes that she feels okay with her dust and beads.  She just seems more sad than usual and she can't talk about it.

One day Blob thinks that he and his person need to sort out something for her so she might be able to communicate in other ways.  Talking isn't everything.  She doesn't yet know how to read and write so a text to speech application wouldn't work.  Blob says they could work out a picture version and then Winefride would be able to learn to say what she wants through pictures.  He says that there is software like that and they should be able to get some for the computer or the phone.  That would be good for Winefride and it would mean that if she wanted to communicate more then she could.

Blob says that really she communicates quite a lot of things anyway through her face and body and most of the time he can see if she's okay or not.  Blob says to say that he loves his sister.  She's non-verbal but that doesn't matter.  She's his sister and she's wonderful and he loves her.

So what should Blob Thing tell you about today?  He has been having a look at his list of untold adventures.  It only runs up to the end of June and he says that later he needs to write a list of July adventures.  There's no rush.  He still has forty adventures from June that he hasn't written about yet.  Blob has a thrill packed life.  It's not special.  Most people could have a thrill packed life.  Blob's person has shared in every one of his adventures.  So she has a thrill packed life too.  And it's not because she is special, although Blob thinks she is.  It's not that she has a vast supply of money.  It's not that she has social skills to die for or masses of energy.  No.  She finds things difficult and even the best days are a big challenge.  But she still has a thrill packed life.


Because she has chosen that life.  And she is determined to live it to the best of her ability.

It's a recent choice.  A year ago her life was very different.  She believes that most people can have a thrill packed life too.  Especially in her city where there is so much to do - and so much to do that either costs nothing or is very cheap.  It's not about money.  She can't afford to spend lots on entertainment.  She can't.  But without money there is still a lot she can do.  She's also very fortunate to have her bus pass.  With a bus pass or a bus fare and an empty day, life can be a beautiful adventure.

Blob wasn't going to write much today because he's worrying about Winefride and wants to be looking after her as best he can rather than sitting discussing a blog post.  But now he's written lots about his thrilling life and his person's thrilling life.  On Sunday they had an adventure and lots of enjoyment and it cost nothing.  On Saturday they had a very big adventure and it cost £1.50 and they came back from it with a big book too.  Blob likes his adventures.  He wasn't going to write much but here he is and his discussions have already led to his person typing 800 words.  And he hasn't even told you about an adventure.

He had better be quick.  And here is a quick one.  A one photo adventure:

He's almost camouflaged.  Which is lucky.  Blob thinks so anyway.  Because he's sitting in a shoe belonging to a giant.  A fierce, angry giant who would either eat soft toys or throw them away to be crushed by the lorry the bin collectors use and then have his broken remains buried on a rubbish dump or burned into nothing in a giant incinerator.  Or maybe the giant would be cruel and would want to imprison soft toys and he would have a massive dungeon.  First he would torture Blob and then throw him in the dungeon with all the other physically broken, heartbroken toys and there would be no hope of rescue and then what would happen?

Blob Thing seems to have an entire fantasy going on here about the giant and how he would be able eventually to stage an escape and defeat the evil giant and free all the soft toys and then build a hospital so that their torture scars could be fixed and then eventually they could all go home to their people who would still be missing them and everyone would live happily ever after.  Except for the giant.  He would be sealed into his dungeon and wouldn't ever get out and the soft toys of the world would be safe.  Blob would be a hero and would become friend of all friends and he would become a crusader against all the people who are ever cruel to their toys.

And then at the end of the story Blob would be lying in a field looking up at the sky and everything would be at peace and the camera would pan away from him into the clouds and the credits would roll.  Here's the sky he would be looking at.  In fact he did look at this sky, not long after sitting in the giant's shoe.  He and his person and his creator drank tea and then lay in the field and blew bubbles and it was a wonderful time.  Blob wants to go back there.  He likes it there.

Yes.  A quick one photo adventure.  Blob's person isn't quite sure that it was a giant's shoe.  She's not sure that there would be a giant coming to put it on, already wearing the other one.  She thinks it's just a big shoe from a window display, put there to encourage people to come into a shop where they might buy themselves some normal sized shoes.  That's what she thinks but Blob thinks that's a much more boring story.

Blob prefers the giant story.

Defeating the evil giant and freeing all the toys is a much better adventure than going to a shoe shop and not buying anything.

Blob is sticking with his story.  But you can decide for yourself which story is right.  Or you might decide that there's another story to be told.  You might tell the story.

And then you might post your story as a comment here.

Blob would love it if you did.

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