Friday, 22 July 2016

Blob Thing Celebrates His Jubilee in Hexagon Abbey

Oh Happy Day!

It's time to celebrate and Blob wants to have a party.  He's in luck because a party has already been organised for this special day.

Blob can hardly believe that this day has come.  It's his Jubilee.  In a way.  For today is the day he is publishing this, his fiftieth blog post.

He feels that his achievement is splendiforous.  For a small, pink, smiling toy to have given the time and commitment to go out in search of adventures, discuss those adventures with his person, choose himself some photos and write a post, is pretty amazing.  Blob's person is also astonished by the way things have gone and how she and her Blob have reached this point.  She is usually rubbish at commitment to things like this.  Usually she would manage a week and then her previous obsession would become almost an anti-obsession and transform from being joyous to intricately painful.

Yes.  This is post number fifty.

Blob is very proud.  His blog has become something more than his person ever expected.  And it's all his work, the product of a combination of his honesty and a wisdom uncommon in soft toys.

Blob's person is very proud of Blob Thing and tonight, in celebration of reaching this milestone, they will indeed have a party.  It'll be even more special because Blob's creator will be there too.  It's going to be stunning.  Blob believes it so.  And he chooses it to be so.

Post number fifty.  Wow.  Let's get on with it.

Blob was now having a wonderful day adventuring in Hexagon.  He decided that he liked it and that as long as he stayed away from the prison everything would be more than okay.  One day he might return to the prison and see whether going inside and exploring would alleviate the bad feelings he had from being outside.  Blob is incredibly brave.  His person is quite impressed that he would even consider going back to a place that had worried him so much, even though it was a place that she had said contained nothing real to worry about.

If Blob had feared punishment, the punishment was not real.

If Blob had feared imprisonment, the reality was freedom.

Perhaps that's how it is for most people too.  They created the unreal, a long stream of fantasies, and become unable to grasp that which is real.  And so the suffering they all experience at times is multiplied and added to and that which they could bear in the strength of Being becomes an unbearable nightmare lived each day with the result that many people live in sorrow, distress, and even despair over that which is a fear, a fantasy, a facade that bears little relation to a present reality.

That's what Blob thinks anyway.  He looks at people and too many of them look as if their sorrows and their battles are the size of continents that have to be carried by flesh and mind.  He knows that many people are going through difficult things.  But nothing real could possibly be so difficult that it produces the people Blob may see when he's out walking in a city centre.

In a world where the human race has become so clever, in a world of scientific light, moral light, philosophical light, spiritual light, even humanistic light, why can so few humans see?  Blob wonders much about humans and why they are the way they are.

Yes, Blob's day had improved impressively since the prison.

He now walked across the grounds of Hexagon House and in front of him was one of the most impressive looking buildings he had ever seen.  This was Hexagon Abbey.  The famous Hexagon Abbey.  Or perhaps not so famous.  Blob Thing doesn't actually know whether it's famous or not.  He just assumed it was because his person had talked about it on the bus on the way to Hexagon.  She talked of the abbey, of the possibility of charity shops, and said that Hexagon was by a river.  Blob wants to go back to Hexagon and explore more.  He didn't even get to see the river.  For all he knows, his person was being a geographical incompetent and there is no river at Hexagon.

He would like to trust her but she's been wrong before and frequently seems to go the wrong way when they are out walking.  Blob Thing says which way to go and she says, "Oh no, we'll go this way because the map looks like we should."  And then it's wrong.  And they have to walk all the way back.  Or they end up going some less than wonderful way to get back to where they were meant to be in the first place and where they would have been if only she had listened to the good sense of Blob.  On one trip recently things got almost dangerous.  Will his person ever learn?  He loves her dearly but her skills at going the right way leave a lot to be desired.

Blob is going to stop complaining about his person now.  Because if he doesn't then she is going to refuse to type any more.  Instead he's going to talk about Hexagon.  Because he has no choice if he wants a fiftieth post to ever be published.  Blob isn't going to say much.  He wants to keep pointing out how silly his person can be.  And he thinks she's almost blackmailing him.  But he does agree that this blog is meant to be about his adventures, not about his daft person.

Here's Blob, posing in front of the abbey.  He agreed to have his picture taken but said that it should be done quickly because he was very eager to go and explore inside.  Blob had only seen one abbey before Hexagon.  That was Finchale.  He had enjoyed it immensely.  This one might be even better.  This one had lots of things that Finchale lacked.  It had a clock.  Windows.  It even had a roof.  This was an abbey still used as a place where a God was worshipped.  It wasn't being used as an abbey.  But it was still a church.  There weren't any monks living there now.  Blob wishes there were.  He would like to visit some monks one day.

This photo is Blob Thing posing in front of one of the stained glass windows of the abbey.  He's been looking into the history of the place.  There has been Christian worship there for over 1300 years - he'll tell you more about that next time because he was able to visit a very ancient place underground.  He likes some of the names from the early history, especially Trumbert and Trumwine.  Blob has just told his person that he thinks she should write a story about Trumbert and Trumwine because they're such good names.

Blob spotted some ancient stairs in the abbey and walked up them to look at the view.  He had to be very careful indeed because the wall at the top of the stairs wasn't flat.  If his person hadn't held onto him tightly and if he hadn't carefully balanced himself he might have fallen and got very hurt on the hard floor below.  All that care meant that taking any good photo was particularly difficult.  Blob apologises for the crooked angle here.  This is the best of several pictures and it does at least show all of the impressive window behind him.

A final picture for today.  Here's Blob Thing posing on the font.  It's funny.  He posed on another font yesterday in another church.  He had a fun time in that church and even got to ring the church bells up in the tower.  He wonders what the people of Newcastle thought when the church bells suddenly started to ring and ten to twelve in the morning.  Ringing church bells was another fantastic adventure.

At Hexagon, Blob's person told him what fonts are for.  She has been baptised.  Three times.  All of them as an adult.  Only the third of those times involved a font.  Sometimes she thinks it would be nice to be baptised again a couple of times.  She hasn't been baptised in a river.  Or in the sea.  And both of those would be a good experience.  But it will never happen.  She doesn't believe in the religious faith she followed when she was baptised three times.  And she knows that baptism is meant to be something that happens only once.  There aren't many people who have had three Christian baptisms.  Blob is quite impressed!

Blob doesn't want to get baptised at all.  And especially he doesn't want to be baptised by "full immersion" like the baptists almost always insist on.  Being fully immersed wouldn't be the best thing to happen to Blob Thing.  He couldn't just grab a towel and get dry.  [Blob's person has just told him why she was a little distracted at her first baptism.  He is shocked.  Shocked!]

Blob doesn't believe he needs to be baptised.  He could write lots about his reasons - and he could write about why he doesn't think anyone needs to be baptised except because a religion says so and writes it into their story or says that you have to pass a strange initiation to join the club.  He likes some of the symbolism and he likes the idea of living symbols.  But as for all this washing away your sins business is something he believes is nonsense.  Blob Thing has talked about Jesus in some of his posts and he says he'll probably talk about him again.  He likes Jesus.  It's just that the Jesus he likes isn't necessarily the Jesus talked about in many of the churches.

Blob on a font.

Or symbolically, Blob rising through the inner truth of I AM above the seeking of religious observance into the freedom of awakening.

Blob's person almost thinks that Blob Thing should stop saying things like that.  She agreed to start this blog with him on the understanding that they would post a photo each day and Blob could say a few words about it.

Here were are, fifty posts on from that agreement.

Blob Thing likes where his blog has taken them.

And he looks forward to the unknown places to follow and discovering what his blog might become by the one-hundredth post.

[1738 words]

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