Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Blob Thing Goes To Prison And Is Thrown In The Stocks

Blob Thing is going to do it today.

He is.  He's determined.

Nothing will stand in his way.  No distractions.  No thinking about important issues such as Trident submarines, whether the people of Gibraltar have to worry about Brexit, or what his friend The Slow Loris might have been getting up to in the last few weeks.

Today he will do it.

Blob will talk about Hexagon.

He was on another day out with his person.  It was a big adventure because neither of them knew where they were going.  On the journey to the nearby bus stops they had decided to head into Newcastle instead, go to a bus station and get on a bus.  They still didn't know where they were going when they got there and looked at the buses that would be leaving very soon.  For a while they considered going to Middlesbrough, a place that they had travelled through before on a coach but never actually visited.  Almost and very nearly they got on a very comfortable looking Middlesbrough bus.  They had passed through the doors of the bus station and were just about to pass through the door of the bus.

But then the two adventurers saw a bus that went to Hexagon. And the decision was made.  They would go to Hexagon.  What adventures would they find?  Would there be any battles to fight?  Would they befriend any hobbitses or be capture by any nasty orcses?  Probably not - although Blob is pointing out at this point that in the last week he has seen two hobbit places and has even knocked on the door of someone called B. Baggins.  That someone wasn't in but the thought of meeting someone with such a name had been quite exciting.

The journey to Hexagon was enjoyable.  After leaving the city the view got a lot better and Blob asks whether he can, one day, get off the bus half way there and have a walk.  The point at which the bus went over the river was beautiful and he could see footpaths leading off from the road in all kinds of directions.  Blob wants to explore and he wants to do it soon.  He wants to explore a lot of places.  He has many plans.  Oh, the places he'll go!  [Blob's person put in that sentence.  She spent too much time reading Dr. Seuss.]

Walking round the ancient town of Hexagon was enjoyable too.  They visited the charity shops and Blob's person was really pleased with the things she found there.  They walked and walked and eventually approached a large stone building.  The most foreboding and sinister looking building in the whole of Hexagon.

This was Hexagon prison.  Blob was a bit anxious.  He doesn't want to go to prison.  He talked about that in a previous post as part of his Cuddy's Corse experiences.  After enjoying the ruined walls of Finchale so much he had stumbled upon the walls of a large prison.  He thought about it all quite a lot and would much prefer to remain outside of prison if he can possibly manage that.

But here he was at another prison.  The walls of the prison of Hexagon.  What criminals and creatures were inside?  Were there any wrongly imprisoned people?  And would Blob Thing become one of them?  Would the prison guards come rushing out and seize Blob by the arms and legs and drag him into a cell and torture him for a confession before locking the door and leaving him inside for the rest of his life?  Of course, that wasn't likely at all because Blob hasn't got arms and legs to be seized by.  But he was still worried that the guards would appear.

Blob's person came to the rescue.  She told him that Hexagon prison wasn't used as a prison any more.  It is now a museum that showed how the prison was many years ago.  Nobody is imprisoned there today.  She also said that in this country prison guards don't rush out and seize random people and that torture isn't a legal way of getting a confession.  Blob was somewhat reassured and agreed that if his person held onto him tightly he would approach the prison and even touch the walls.

As he sat outside the prison, Blob relaxed.  He realised that he was safe and that nobody was going to lock him up.  The museum signs and the admission charges gave him confidence.  Blob decided that on this occasion they wouldn't go into the prison.  He wasn't comfortable with the idea yet and he guessed that there would be lots more adventures in Hexagon.  They might be well hidden but he was going to find them and wouldn't leave a stone or a leaf unturned in his search.  And then on another day he would return and find some more adventures.  Blob's person was quite surprised at how confident Blob seemed that there would be many Hexagon adventures.  She could muster up some hope that there might be something good but she wasn't confident.

And then, outside the prison doors, Blob spotted something.  A form of punishment.  It wasn't being used to punish anyone and Blob doubted that people had been punished in it for quite a while.  He saw some stocks.  At least that's what he thought they were.  He understands now that what he experienced that day was a pillory.  He didn't know that word before and is absolutely astounded by it.  How can a word so similar to pillows be a punishment word?  How can a comfortable place for a human head - or for an entire Blob Thing - be almost exactly the same as such an uncomfortable place?  Blob finds this almost unbelievable.

Blob Thing was feeling a lot more confident now.  He wasn't going to be locked up or hurt.  So he asked his person if he could have a go, if he could pretend to be being punished in the pillory of Hexagon.  She agreed and said they might be able to get some photos of Blob enjoying himself.

It was ever such a lot of fun.  Blob decided that it would be a rubbish form of punishment for him.  The restraints wouldn't restrain him for long and he would be able to summon his escapology skills and free himself, steal a horse and ride out of the town, ford the river and somehow escape capture from the King's army.  Then he would lead a rebellion, overthrow the wicked Lord of Hexagon and establish a rule based on freedom and bubble blowing.

After all of his initial worries about the prison Blob enjoyed himself immensely.  It had been a wonderful little adventure and he knew that it was just the start of the day.  He could hardly imagine the adventures that would follow.

He wants to write more about it now but he has a busy day ahead of him.  He's off to a workshop about writing and the breath and dragons and maybe he'll want to talk about the creative Spirit of God in the Bible and how all life came in the story there after that creative spirit, the breath, the ruach, hovered over the waters.  Blob likes that imagery.  He wants that wind of the creative spirit to blow wildly, that creative breath to be breathed across the whole of his life, his person's life, his creator's life and across the lives of anyone else who dares to seek the risk taking and freedom and surprises that that ruach creative breath inevitably brings to all who receive and to all who learn that it was there inside them to begin with.  For we are all of us breath.  We have just been taught that we are lifeless.

Awww.  Isn't Blob just the happiest person who has ever lived?

[1312 words. Blob apologises that the title says stocks rather than pillory.  He knows!]

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