Friday, 1 July 2016

Blob Thing Returns To The Wansbeck And Smiles Happily

Blob Thing was telling you about his walk by the River Wansbeck a few days ago.  He told you how his person had invited him on a trip out but had then completely forgotten about him.  He told you how she had walked for miles along the river, enjoying herself, and had neglected Blob in her bag.  Sometimes Blob's person can be very unreliable.  Sometimes she forgets things, even important things.  Other times she can't do much at all because her head is in such a mess.

Blob told you that she only remembered about Blob having left the river behind.  He was a little sad about it but showed you pictures of the fields and the trees and how he enjoyed those.  This was, after all, only a week after Blob's very first trip out to see the world.  It was all very new to him.

But he hadn't seen the river and regretted that.  It would have been a thrill for a little pink toy to see such a thing.  He would have liked to have seen the ruined chapel, the fast flowing water, and the viaduct high above the river.  Blob's person showed him photos afterwards but it wasn't quite the same experience as actually being there.

At the end of his previous post Blob was in a field above the woods.  The path was descending.  Blob hoped that it would take him back to the river and he could get to see at least a part of it.  The two brave adventurers, Blob and his person, walked down the path and into the woods.  They weren't afraid.  The looked and saw:  The way is clear, the light is good, we have no fear, nor no one should.  [Blob didn't write that last sentence. That was his person who is a bit of a fan of a certain musical and wanted to quote it.  Blob confesses that he isn't pleased about it but he is happy to put up with it when his person does something strange.  He loves her even if she does act weird sometimes and he just keeps smiling about it all.]

Eventually, after walking through the trees for what felt like ages, Blob saw something and was overjoyed.  His smile got so wide that it almost fell of the sides of his face.  It was the river.  Blob was going to see the river.  He would hardly have rejoiced more if he had suddenly found himself dancing a four person country dance with Jesus on his left, the Buddha on his right, and Rumi opposite, with the music being played by a band led by Krishna playing a flute.  It's fair to say that he was a happy Blob.

And then, rapturous joy, Blob got to cross the river not once but twice.  He asked for his photo to be taken and he was very, very careful.  Blob didn't want to fall into the river and knows that it's better to be safe than to risk his life for the sake of a better photo.

At the end of the walk Blob was happy.  He sat with his person in the centre of Morpeth while they had a late lunch.  They decided that one day they would walk the same route again or maybe walk the first half, which Blob had missed, and then head off in a different direction.  They also decided that they would come back and visit Morpeth again and explore it properly.  They may even go to the bagpipe museum.  None of that has been done yet.  Blob has been far too busy doing other things.  In fact he has had enough adventures to fill his blog every day for the next two months.  Very busy indeed.

As they journeyed back to Newcastle, Blob sat on his seat on the bus.  It had turned into a fabulous day once he had been remembered and set free from his person's bag.  A fabulous day.  He was tired from walking in his leg-free manner.  He leaned back, grinned at his person.  Blob knew contentment at that moment and nothing was going to rob him of savouring that time.

[697 words]

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